Wine filled epipipipiphany of last night "oversimplification is the same as overcomplicating something"
Haven't figured it out myself. But hey .. thought I should put it out there and garner some responses.
been a while
Yes it's been a while since I last wrote anything here.
Life was more sedentary for a few weeks when I started this blog. Now things are picking up pace.
Firstly I got on a project. So work life is starting to look more and more ominous. Days when I supposed to finish work by 4:00 pm end up actually finishing at 9:00pm instead. Hopefully the work will stay interesting.
I have been reading three books (keep switching books and never finishing any of them). The first one 'Hitchhiker's Guide' The one I am most interested in ... and yes I have never ever read this book inspite of about 15 people hounding me to read it for many years now. I have had a copy at home for more than a year now ad am glad to finally have gotten to it.
The second book is 'Blink'. Promises to be a god one. This is a book about human psyche. And how most decisions we come to are usually in the blink of an eye although we try to satisfy ourselves by collecting lotsadata and mulling it through in our head. This is a must read for anyone.
Last one 'The man who sold his Ferrari' a dear friend of mine read the book. His first reaction was to buy me a copy cos he said he thought of me right after reading the book. The book is about a monk who gave up everything (including a ferrari) to find himself (I am still trying to figure out why he thought of me after reading the book. I personally want the ferrari and would never give it up for sanyas). Hopefully I'll get through all these three books in the near future.
Saw a standup last night 'Greg Proops' of 'Whose Line Is it Anyway' fame was in town (the thin guy in the show with spectacles. He is absolutely hilarious. With sentences which last 3 whole minutes and words like gourmet pronounced with a pronounced 'T'. He cracked me up to tears. He dedicated a quarter of his show to Jessica 'Barbie' Simpson and just butchered every inch of her being in the process. Would've enjoyed the show multiple more times had the waitress decided to show up often enough to keep me buzzed thru the evening. I was able to get exactly one cerveza through the evening and was left looking at the bar (longingly) way too often.
New term of the evening 'whack' - white guy who thinks he is black.
email chatter de jour
This is an email exchange over a day with a bunch of ex-colleagues who are trying to find out if Mr. T (all names have been changed) got hitched recently.
Actors:In order of appearance
People - RolesMr. C - Badgerer 1Ms. A - Badgerer 2Mr. J - Badgerer 3Mr. B - Badgerer 4Mr. T - The BadgeredMr. C wrote: To All,It appears Full Disclosure has not occurred with one member of our littleNCAA group. It appears Mr. T has been dating Sharon Lee and did notwant to tell anyone about it. Must I stress the need for us all to betruthful to one another or pay the verbal assualt consequences.Call to Action - Please begin the email assualt on Mr. T until fulldisclosure occurs.Thanks,C
Ms. A wrote: Mr. C, when it took you over a year to tell us you'd been datingAmber, I don't think you have any ground on which to stand in thisdiscussion.Not to mention, Sharon Lee? Gag me with a spoon. I think Mr. T woulddate a man before he dated her.
Mr. J wrote (we are a bit racist): Nothing wrong with a little Asian persuasion..:)
Ms. A wrote: Mr. J, are you jaundiced?
Mr. C wrote: I knew it. Coming to the protection of Mr. T. Is your nickname Condom? Iwouldn't expect anything less from you.
Mr. J wrote: No that would be agent orange my dear.
Ms. A wrote: Dang, for a minute I thought you had yellow fever
Mr B wrote: She was his 'subordinate' at work.
Mr C wrote: Maybe they were "testing" their love in those private one on one meetings. And the code word for those meetings was "I can't stand Mr. C."
Ms. A wrote: Gives a whole new meaning to "under the table and dreaming." No wonder the poor thing couldn't stay late to work, she was all tuckered out.
Mr. C wrote: I have one question Mr. T.....Was Sharon logging any bugs or defects regarding performance?
Ms. A wrote: Mr. T's glad we weren't doing "upward feedback" at that time.
Mr. C wrote: At Mr. T's age it's probably more 70 degree feedback. Was the defect being logged a P1 (Severe) or a P4 (cosmetic)?Mr. T, just let us know who your dating and the verbal assualt will stop
Ms. A wrote: Is that why all the defects had to go through Mr. T to be assigned? I wonder if anyone ever reviewed the "Closed-Not a Defect" list.
Mr. J wrote: I did notice that there were a fair amount of performance issues logged with the application... hmm now it makes sense
Mr T wrote (finally): Nothing like having a really shitty day, followed by a delayed flight to
Boise, and logging in to read this dribble. I had such higher hopes after the phone calls I received earlier. What I didn't realize was the requirement to "register" each home run (excluding the solo shot to left field). Let me put the rumor to rest that I am not dating. Playing the field, yes. Shag like a rock star, yes. Have them flying in mid-week for a repeat performance and another shot to dead center, yes. And to put it in horse racing terms, I only play the phillies. - Ace Bigelo
Mr. C wrote: Hey Mr. T,
When someone hasn't even been to the batter's box finally hits a homerun not only is it newsworthy but it should be communicated on a broad scale
Ms. A wrote: Just for clarification, did Mr. T just tell us he's a Philly fan? Like those men in uniform eh? Or were you trying to say that beastiality's best?
Mr. J wrote: I think he may be the DH or better yet a pinch runner in this case. Din Ho
Mr. C wrote: So in essence someone did all the work and Mr. T just got inserted into the game. Did I hear someone screaming BALK?
Mr. J wrote: I think the commish (Mr. C) found some pine tar on Mr. T's bat, not sure how that got there. I thought that MLB only played exhibition games in Japan during pre-season. I guess they have mid-season exhibitionist games as well.
Mr. T wrote (completely exasperated): Good god, somebody tell a guy when he needs to shave his neck. Glad I cleaned my ears that day.
Ms. A wrote: I thought you had your neck shaving schedule in your 'How To Be a Metrosexual' book.
Mr. T wrote: I don't have a live in tart to do these things.
Mr. C wrote: Ms. A are you living with a tart?
Ms. A wrote: Well she wouldn't sleep with you. Though that may just be an indication of good common sense as opposed to lack of tartness.
Mr. C wrote: She wouldn't sleep with me because I asked her to turnover. Get the story straight next time!!!!!
Ms. A wrote: Funny, I thought it was when you asked her to put on the strap-on and started calling her Tiny.
Mr. T wrote: Is it poor form to scream your own name?
Mr. B wrote: As long as it's not "mommy mommy" ...
For all the power of all the humungous american TV networks with their monster budgets and their sticky ass reality shows, I can't find one f***### channel which will play the French Open semis between Nadal and Federer live. Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Perfect House
Inspired by latest blog in
http://surrealsurges.blogspot.com/ I decided it was time get over my jitters about writing something and actually put something out there. However stupendously silly it'll be.
So what did I read - This guy Donald Manison has stopped living in his house. Actually lives out of his 1998 Dodge Caravan. Why?!! cos his house too perfect and he fears ruffling even a carpet hair in there. So will, not living there, preserve the house perfectly. I guess he didn't have a word with termites or roaches or spiders before his brain wave.
Saw something similar a couple of years ago in real life, when a dear good friend of mine had this notion ( a very serious one) , that someone is watching him (spying). He felt that whatever he did in his house and car was being watched by his superiors at work. No amount of talking to him would convince him that no one was watching his every move (and I did spend days convincing him). Finally doctors had him pop some pills to convince him otherwise. The whole bloody thing was a chemical imbalance that a pill could solve, can you imagine!!!
It made me a firm believer in pill popping if nothing else. I pop a pill at the hint of a headache now.
So me thinks I not writing cos I don't want anyone to read what I write. Then me thinks why fear. Also me thinks is there a pill to pop for that and some other fancy things in my mind heheheehee. Wouldn't you want to know!!